Monday, July 31, 2017

It's Monday....S.O.B!

Monday workday is over!! (for most of us at least)

I was introduced to this song again via Pandora. I am so glad I was! Musically it is fantastic for a myriad of reasons. I enjoy the dynamic differences between the chorus and the verses. Plus, who hasn't yelled "sonofabitch!" at something in their lives? In between the verses reminds me of an old gospel tune. Everyone can clap and "WHOOOOOooooa OOOOOooooh OOOOOooooh" along with it.

In my humble opinion I think the lyrics speak directly to the story of someone with an addiction issue, regardless of what the particular "drug" of choice may be. I can relate to this all too well unfortunately.

Even with the beginning "mmmhhmmm mmmhmmmm mmmmhmmmm" could even be construed as the satisfactory sound after taking a sip of a good beer, a hit of a good bong, etc.

The opening stanza is one of someone who knows they need help, and is asking for it. They know what it will take to quit. But in the last line they decide they aren't ready to quit and start lashing out. This is all too common a practice. Addicts have to hit their own low, whatever it may be, before they will truly change.

The chorus (SOOOO GOOD!) I always envision as more of an internal dialogue. I need a drink, one more night is ok, ugh i can't believe I am doing this again, you know what, screw it. If I can't quit I'll just over-do it and end it all that way.

I feel the next stanza has the vibe of someone who knows what the bottom looks like, knows they should change, yet has resigned themselves to whatever God/fate/karma etc has in store for them. The lyrics don't paint a picture of resolve to change.

"My heart was breaking, hands were shaking, bugs are crawling all over me." Can we all agree that this is a lyrical version of withdrawal?

Now there are two ways to look at the end to the song. Since the lyrics don't change, it would be easy to believe that the addict loses, doesn't change, continues down the wrong path.

I am a positive person by nature, so you know I believe there is a happier ending. I feel there is a different emphasis and sound to the last chorus. It has a more triumphant feeling and sound to my ears and my soul. Like they are remembering when they were an addict, and celebrating being clean. Almost laughing at their previous poor choices. "oooooh" remember when...

I hope you enjoyed the song. I haven't had anyone tell me my song choices are awful so I am gonna keep doing this. If you have a song you are addicted to and want me to listen, send it my way!!! Don't forget to follow this blog, like the post on fbook, etc!

This ends this post. SONOFABITCH!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Any morning people out there?

This song apparently isn't for me, since I am a morning person. I have never been one to sleep late... if the sun's up I am up. However, if you sleep in our guest room you will apparently sleep WAY later than usual. Perhaps we sleep in the wrong room of our house? Nonetheless I have played it over and over because it is so darn catchy!

This is Parker Millsap, whose Pandora Station has led me to many of the songs to follow on this blog. He is from Oklahoma I believe, and his entire Album "The Very Last Day" is great. His other Albums are good as well, but I was first introduced to him on this album.

My dad called me out early in life as someone who "likes song(s) that have a little bit of twang to them." This song certainly meets that criteria. The guitar rift alone had me hooked.

The lyrics are great too (as in most of his songs.) Even morning people like myself have thought "the sun comes up way too early" from time to time. Unfortunately as adults not in the music/entertainment industry we do not have the luxury of "...close the curtains, wait until the afternoon."

As humans it is one of our basic needs to feel like we belong. That we are included. So he speaks the truth for most all of us when he says "I'm not afraid of empty I'm afraid of all alone."

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy this song. Let me know if you like it, let me know if you don't!

PS) Don't forget to follow me (top right corner of the page) it will make me feel like more than 3 people read this!

And try to avoid the Morning Blues unless it's listening to this song!

Friday, July 21, 2017

Guilty Pleasure Song


I think I have finally settled on a topic that I can continuously write on! Guilty Pleasure Songs.

Now what I mean by that is these are songs that I have been addicted to lately; whether they are just old songs I hadn't heard in a while or they could be completely new songs to my ears. Regardless I have listened to them non-stop and wish to share them with you!

I already have a back-log of songs so I can roll out at least one of these each week and still have fresh content waiting in the wings. I will start out with a song I have shared already with a few family and friends, but I heard it again this week and it still gets me hyped up!

"Glitter & Gold" by Barns Courtney

I was first introduced to this song via the Parker Millsap station on Pandora (more from him later.)

The short background story for this artist:
He was part of a band, they produced an album and right when they finished the record company cancelled everything. Later, he was working in a music store and decided that he wasn't finished as an artist. He still wanted to achieve musical success, so he has gone about doing just that!

There is a lot that I like about this song. The "ting-ting like glitter and gold" makes me smile for some reason. I like his voice. The continual driving drum beat is awesome. It gives me the feeling of digging deep within myself and pushing through any trials in my way. It makes me want to accomplish everything on my to-do list for the day, and to accomplish my dreams in general. No fear, just buckle down and work hard, I can win!

Needless to say, listening to this song allows me to "have fire in my soul" as well!

I hope you enjoyed this song, even if it isn't as much as I enjoy it! Like I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I have many more songs that I will be doing posts on. If this wasn't your cup of tea, maybe some other song will strike you.

Thanks for reading. Please subscribe so you can get these sent straight to your inbox!