Saturday, April 16, 2016

Musical Musings

So, O.A.R put a song out on their last album titled "Favorite Song" which is a fantastic piece of writing. They basically made a whole song using titles of songs and artists and not much else.

Recently I came across another song "Play Something We Know" by Adam Hood. Also written based on a number of artists names and their music.

Sometimes I still feel like I could be a decent writer. Maybe my place isn't on a stage (as much as I like the limelight from time to time) but is in the support crew. As much as I love my own success, I feel as if I enjoy a team success even more....

That's all I have this morning, Happy weekend!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

A little over 4 years later

I think I am going to try this blogging thing again. There is certainly plenty of insanity going on in this world for me to respond to and dance on my soapbox about.

I appreciate my 2 followers for not deleting me yet, and maybe I will accrue some others!

That's all for now.

BLKoolK, out!